Tuesday, March 10, 2009

First Rejection Letter

Well, by my standards, I now consider myself a true author. I received my first rejection letter today from Deseret Book.

And as odd as it sounds, I'm ok with it. In fact, the annoyingly optimistic side of me thinks, "Hey, I want to frame this letter. It means I'm on the road. I'm following my dream."

I know that one day I'll be published. Whether in a year or ten or twenty, if I put in the work it will happen. I believe I have some natural talent (not JK Rowling or anything) and I believe I can learn everything else.

Now, on to writing. Carlina and Harley are calling.


  1. Congratulations Ashley!

    My first rejection is pinned up in the hall. I think I might laminate it.

  2. No offense to J.K. Rowling, but I think you have her beat on certain levels. She deals with harsh realities, sure, but you are housing them in a world that actually exists and that makes it even more real. You are writing about today and what kids are facing and I think that's really important.
